Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Suffering From Malnutrition? You might be...

I'm currently watching YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT on BBC America. Dr. Gillian McKeith made me stop and think about the things I eat. Gillian McKeith is very up front and in your face about what the wrong foods can do to your body. For example, she's told a woman that she must be suffering from lack of sex drive, examines people for oral thrush...she even examines their poo describing in detail the size, shape, consistency, and smell and what it all means for their overall health! On today's episode she is helping a woman who ingests 28000 calories a week (said to be enough to sustain 2 people for a week) of which is mainly sugar. She told Joanne, the participant, that sugar is hard for the body to digest. I knew refined sugars were not the best for you and turned into fat more readily than other food substances but I didn't realize that the body has to crank into overdrive from that Hershey's bar I ate last week! I guess it's like the liver working over time to process the carbonic acid in soda...hmmmm. Anyway, she also told Joanne that despite the fact that she weighs 22 stones (308 pounds. According to Gillian is 140 pounds or 10 stones overweight) she is in fact malnourished. Her body is ingesting an enormous amount of food but it's the WRONG kind of food for her body to run properly. What do you think about that?!

For each participant who calls on Dr. McKeith for help they are monitored for a week to track exactly what  they are eating and then they get all of that food and spread it out on a table for them to see exactly what's going in while the narrator reads down the list. Here's an example of the dreaded table of food. If you had to put a weeks worth of the food you've been eating on a massive table would you be proud or seriously refiguring your diet?


Ellen said...

Interesting. I try to eat a healthy diet but more than likely don't get all the nutrients I need. Am I malnourished? Maybe...

MS. Bad Mama Jama said...

Would I be proud? Yes...Mostly...

But, a year ago...That would not be true....

Mr.s Gokey said...

Before the diet? Heck no!! Now? yes!!

StarrStarr said...

I would like to be proud but after I watched You are What You Eat for the first time in a while I realize that I seem to fall into a trap of eating what's available. I try and make the healthier choices but even when I'm hitting a certain amount of calories I know that I'm not getting enough of the right nutrients.

Jaimie said...

I wish I could find this show on TV, I'm reading her book and I'm loving it! I've given you an award, btw :D

misssarahlou said...

I used to love watching this show when I lived in England! I miss Gillians brutal honesty, lol.

Michelle said...

I gave you an award! Check out my blog

Ellen said...

Congratulations. I have just given you the Sunshine Award. You can see the link on my site at

The rules say you must pass this on to 12 bloggers who bring Sunshine to your day.